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PB Minutes 8/24/15
Town of Buxton Planning Board

Monday, August 24, 2015 at 7 p.m.

Recorded by: Hilda Lynch

Board Members Present:  Jeremiah Ross, III; Keith Emery; Christopher Carroll, Mark Blier, and Chris Baldinelli

Absent:  None

Others Present:  Gail Landry, William Thompson (BH2M), Henry Huntley, Jean Harmon, Michael L’Heureux, Scott Lichmen, Nancy Pierce, and George Trott

Chairman Jeremiah Ross, III, called the August 24, 2015, meeting of the Buxton Planning Board together at 7 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance.

Gail Landry of Flanagan Farm, updating the conditional use plan with a new building for 668 Narraganset
Trail; Tax Map 6, Lot 36.
Gail Landry submitted a Plan.  The new building is an English-styled barn that is being used for multiple uses.
Two restrooms have been added.
Jere asked Board members if they had any questions.  Jere would like to see a label on the plan stating what the building is and where the rest rooms are.  Keith says he would like to see the parking lot put on the plan where it is actually located (he indicated a smaller one on the Plan).  According to Town Counsel, there must be a public hearing for the change.

  • Motioned by Keith, seconded by Chris B, to set a public hearing at the next Planning Board meeting for the above.  Five voted in favor.
Normand Berube has submitted a proposal to amend a common side lot line between lots 5 and 6 of Fogg
Brook Subdivision.  Tax Map 9, Lot 15.

Bill Thompson of BH2M spoke for Normand Berube Builders and said he went through the changes at the last meeting.  The septic on Lot 5 was built too close to the line, so in order to give it the 10 feet needed, the change had to be made.

Town Counsel thought it appropriate that each member of the subdivision be notified by regular mail of the proposed change.  A public hearing is not required.

Jere asked if there were any questions of the Board.  Chris B asked if the drawing submitted shows where the new line is.  Bill said it did.

  • Keith motioned, seconded by Chris C., to approve the amended lot lines for Lots 5 and 6 of the Fogg Brook subdivision.  Five voted in favor.
David Lichten of 84 Middle Street, Portland, is requesting a conditional use permit for a multi-family unit at
312 Groveville Road, Tax Map 18, Lot 17.

Scott L. spoke representing David Lichten and said they had purchased the building.  There are three units in the building currently.  It had been approved as a two-unit by the Town.
Jere asked if there were questions from the Board.  Chris C asked if he had any idea how long it has been a three-family.  Scott said it has been unoccupied for the last two years.  Keith says it’s a two-unit family home with a storage space.   Scott said there are operable kitchens and bathrooms in all three units.  Chris C asked if he had any plans.  Scott says he will get them to the Board.
Mark said he looked at the property about a year ago.  He says there is a starter kitchen downstairs.  The upstairs was completely open, and a bathroom had been put in quite recently.  He thinks they were looking to open a bar there.  He thinks they might have been looking at three occupancies, but he doesn’t think there ever were three families living there.  Scott says they don’t have anything to counter Mark’s remarks.  Mark says it was listed as a three-family, and he spoke to the realtor about the false listing.
Chris C is looking at the assessment and is questioning the amount of acreage.  .75 acres appears on the application but there is a discrepancy on another document.  11.33 11.17.A. lists the requirements for a multi-family dwelling - minimum lot size.  11.17.F. is more specific.  Jere asks if he can demonstrate that all of these requirements can be met.  Scott says he cannot.
On a subsurface wastewater disposal application in 1998, it is stated that there could be four bedrooms.  Jere would like to see a septic design or a letter stating that the current septic system could be rated for the type of use in the application.  Scott says there would be four bedrooms.  Chris B asked if there was a new 1000 gal. septic tank.  Scott says there is.
Mark asked if Scott had gotten a letter from the Fire Chief.  Scott says he has.  For 11.17, the Board doesn’t have any information.  Scott asked if the minimum lot size requirements are online.  Jere asked what the square footage is - less than ½ an acre?  There is a discrepancy.  9.3 says the 1st dwelling unit has to have 80,000 sq. ft. and each additional dwelling would need 40,000 sq. ft.  Jere says he doesn’t see that happening on that lot.  Mark says they have it on the tax card as a two-unit.  Jere doesn’t realistically see them getting a three-unit multifamily from this building.  The grandfathered lot would allow a two-unit, but he doesn’t think they’ll have the space for a three-unit.
Michael L’Heureux asked if they had to install a sprinkler system even if they met the unit requirements.  Jere said that the Fire Chief says that they would, but they could speak to the Fire Chief.  Michael asked if they would require an engineer’s report or could they submit something themselves.  Jere says they’d need an engineer’s plan for the septic system.

CEO Report:   None

Approval of Minutes:
August 10, 2015 (if complete) - have not received yet

Approval of Bills:   None

“Maine Townsman”
Notice of dates for Special Town Meeting - 11/3 and 11/15
Spoke to a Selectman about Addicted Treatment facilities, which would be the only scope they would consider.  They’ll work on an ordinance to possibly get ready for November.

Other Business:
Review of Planning Board by laws - They’ll need to be updated before signing.

Attendees may address the Board on the evening’s business:  None

  • Motioned by Chris B, seconded by Mark, to adjourn the meeting at 7:29 p.m.  Five voted in favor.
Approval Date:    ________

________________________                                                ___________________
Jeremiah Ross, III, Chairman                                            Date